An ascetic religious movement called the Totemists is also shown to exist on the fringes of society, living in isolated communities and practicing a form of idol worship. The River King and his men control water trade in the Badlands and beyond, and is considered a neutral party in the barons' power struggles. Nomads are the most common, mostly lawless homicidal bandits who subsist on stealing from trade convoys between the baronies but some live in organized clans. Several groups exist outside the strict hierarchy of the barons. Many elements of technology, such as electricity and ground vehicles, have survived the apocalypse but society now shuns guns, leading to a reliance on melee weaponry and crossbows. "The series is set in a post-apocalyptic world approximately 500 years after a war that left civilization in ruins. Hey guys and gals, this torrent contains the COMPLETE "Into the Badlands" TV Series that recently got canceled, unfortunately! Here are the 3 Seasons: